The Gate class is the core data structure of CITEViz to store gating information. Gates are initiated upon the first click of the "Gate" button and turned into a reactive value to facilitate interactivity with R-Shiny. The Gate class holds the following information:
* counter <integer>: keep track of gate number * assay_name <character>: keep track of which assay (RNA, ADT, etc) the gate data is coming from * input_cells <list>: a list of cell barcodes going into the gate e.g. if a gate isn't initialized yet, this variable contains all the cells. * input_coords <data.frame>: the coordinates of the input cells * subset_cells <list>: a list of output cells * subset_coords <data.frame>: the coordinates of the output cells * x_axis <character>: the feature used to plot the x-axis * y_axis <character>: the feature used to plot the y-axis * gate_coords <list>: the coordinates of the gate boundaries drawn by plotly * name_subset_cells <character>: the label of the set of output cells inputted by the user * num_input_cells <integer>: number of input cells * num_subset_cells <integer>: number of output cells * total_num_cells_in_sample <integer>: total number of cell in a sample * pct_subset_from_previous <numeric>: proportion of output cell WRT previous gate * pct_subset_from_total <numeric>: proportion of output cell WRT total cells
a gate class object
<integer>: keep track of gate number
<character>: keep track of which assay (RNA, ADT, etc) the gate data is coming from
<list>: a list of cell barcodes going into the gate e.g. if a gate isn't initialized yet, this variable contains all the cells.
<data.frame>: the coordinates of the input cells
<list>: a list of output cells
<data.frame>: the coordinates of the output cells
<character>: the feature used to plot the x-axis
<character>: the feature used to plot the y-axis
<list>: the coordinates of the gate boundaries drawn by plotly
<character>: the label of the set of output cells inputted by the user
<integer>: number of input cells
<integer>: number of output cells
<integer>: total number of cell in a sample
<numeric>: proportion of output cell WRT previous gate
<numeric>: proportion of output cell WRT total cells